Riverbend Appalachian Wheat 1-LB


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This malt is produced using soft red winter wheat grown in North Carolina. We elevate kilning temperatures to enhance aromas of freshly baked bread and toast. Look for a substantial improvement in flavor and mouthfeel over mass-produced offerings!


This malt is produced using soft red winter wheat grown in North Carolina. Rivernend elevates kilning temperatures to enhance aromas of freshly baked bread and toast. Look for a substantial improvement in flavor and mouthfeel over mass-produced offerings!

GRAIN   Wheat

FLAVORS Artisan Bread, Toast

GOOD FOR  Hefeweizen, Farmhouse

Min Extract FG: 83.0%

Protein: 10.7%

S/T Ratio: 55-65

Min Alpha Amylase: 30

Min DP: 100

Color: 2.5-3.5 SRM

Additional information

Weight 1.67 lbs
Dimensions 9 × 1 × 6 in

1lb, 2lb, 5lb, 10lb